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Name: Len Raul Alvarez. Date of Birth: May 7, 1976 Nationality: Cuban Family: Married Directorate in Senegal Apecsy 1, 137, Yoff, Dakar in Senegal Telephone (mobile) 00221-777215267 (fixed) 00221-338207557 School STUDIES Samuel FeijoSanta professional art Clara, Cuba. Graduated in painting, drawing and engraving Domain teacher of plastic arts in teoray High knowledge in practice in the history of art (plastic arts) Domain...

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47.24 x 55.12 in
70.87 x 70.87 in
49.21 x 38.58 in
94.49 x 47.24 in
55.12 x 47.24 in

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Name: Len Raul Alvarez. Date of Birth: May 7, 1976 Nationality: Cuban Family: Married Directorate in Senegal Apecsy 1, 137, Yoff, Dakar in Senegal Telephone (mobile) 00221-777215267 (fixed) 00221-338207557 School STUDIES Samuel FeijoSanta professional art Clara, Cuba. Graduated in painting, drawing and engraving Domain teacher of plastic arts in teoray High knowledge in practice in the history of art (plastic arts) Domain knowledge as assembly and curation Knowledge of design as cultural PROMOTION AND POSTGRADUATE COURSES National Workshop (colonography) Cabaiguan, Santi Spiritus, Cuba, 2002. Seminar (metodolgico) of EIA. Camagey, Cuba, 2002. Seminar (metodolgico) of plastic arts, Morn, Cuba, 2003 Workshop print (litho), plastic arts school San Alejandro, Havana City, Cuba, 2003 WORK Professorial 2001-2003. Teacher of drawing and painting, art school instructors Vladislav Volkov, Santi Spiritus, Cuba, head of plastic arts. This school is based in teaching with a high level educator ms as learning, as these students even estn qualified to create, saldrn not as artists but as promoters of arts and culture . 2003-2005. Professor of engraving, plastic arts academy Ral provincial Martnez, Morn, Cuba. Unlike the first, the academy aims to give all the knowledge as well PRACTICE Teric to create artists. The work includes: - Preparaciny mounting exhibitions with teachers and students - Starting-up bringing the art community projects in areas outside the Mbit (rural, mountains, etc) - thesis advisor 2005-2008. Drawing Professor, Conservatory of Arts and multimedia materials, Bamako, Mal The work includes: - Starting-up curriculum for the subject of drawing to students in higher education in plastic arts and multimedia. - Starting-up competitions and exhibitions with students. - PARTICIPATION workshops between schools, specialties and passes, for example: a) landscape watercolor workshop with artist Miguel Barcelb espaol) Workshop with several French teachers and artists participating in the project Bois sacr c) mounting plastic arts students stage the first festival of dance students at the conservatory in Mal d) PARTICIPATION in the first event held in the conservatory performances with students in the specialties of dance m music, teachers of different specialties ascoma SOLO, GROUP, Elva Ada ROOMS Biennial 1997 Prez, Jarahueca, Cuba 1999 Pelez salon dedicated to Amelia, Santa Clara, Cuba Salna of small format, Santa Clara, Cuba Che salon, UNEAC, Santa Clara, Cuba 2000 Winter Expo, Dusseldorf, Germany Exposition of students, provincial library JosMarti, Santa Clara, Cuba Exposition of students, Central University of Las Villas, Santa Clara, Cuba 2001 provincial living room XVII plastic arts and design, Santa Clara, Cuba living room of students, Santa Clara, Cuba First national student salon Acadmica 2001, San Alejandro Academy, Havana, Cuba 2002 XX provincial salon Fernndez Oscar Morera, Santi Spiritus, Cuba Exposition staff, AHS galley, Santa Clara, Cuba 2003 II salon winter Morn, Cuba Shows community of artists house of culture, Yaguajay, Santi Spiritus, Cuba Shows community of artists, Santi Spiritus, Cuba collective Expo Genesis, provincial arts academy plastic, Morn, Cuba Exposition staff, who want an interesting, Vladislav Volkov EIA, Santi Spiritus, Cuba 2004 Expo staff is life, film Iguara , Santi Spiritus, Cuba Shows community of artists, culture house, Yaguajay, Santi Spiritus, Cuba Shows community of artists, Santi Spiritus, Cuba 2005 III salon winter Morn, staff Exposition Cuba Palos saints. Cortijo art gallery Collar Hugo, Morn, Cuba Mi Gallo VIII salon, art gallery Collar Hugo Cortijo, Morn, Cuba 2006 Exposition No staff, ways of looking dismiles, restaurant / galley BlaBla, Bamako, Mali 2007 Exposition A Malqui me parle staff, restaurant / galley du Centre Culturel Fran Patio ais, Bamako, Mali 2008 Exposition collective with a Cuban artist and a Canadian artist Canadian artist's house 2009 Exposition Auto and Portrait staff, my home Torokorobougou, Bamako, Mal Personal Auto and Portrait exhibition. Interarts Centre, Dakar, Senegal. Expo 2010 Exposition collective-dart 2010 Dakar, Senegal Biennial Art Exposition Dak `Personal across Dakar, Senegal OTHER WORKS 2007 to 2008 interior design work of several restaurants Bamako PRIZES, AWARDS AND RECOGNITION 2001 Mencin acadmica 2001, San Alejandro Academy, Havana, Cuba First prize, living room of students, Santa Clara, Cuba Recognition in graduation as valedictorian of plastic arts, professional art school FeijoSanta Samuel Clara, Cuba 2005 Mencin, living room My Gallo, art galleries, Hugo Cortijo Collar, Morn, Cuba Espaol LANGUAGES (mother tongue) Francs (good) Ingls (knowledge) REFERENCES Artist Abdoulaye Konate, director of the Conservatory of Arts and Multimedia Materials Bamako, Mali E-mail: Ndeye Gueye Rokhaya plastic arts teacher, art critic and artist Dakar, Senegal E-mail: dabajoli@hotmail.com Tel: 00221-776408932 Eduardo Santos Professor Albert, Teric and critical art. Camagey, Cuba

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